Waist sizes are something that helps in determining your health status up to some extent. But nowadays, waist size is much more than a health indicator and is becoming a beauty symbol. One of the most common trends nowadays is a 24-inch waist.
Many models and influences, such as Kim Kardashian, have a 24-inch waist, which is considered a desirable physical trait. If you also want a 24-inch waist but are still determining how it will look on you, then why not first look at this article?
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24-Inch Waist
Nowadays, many celebrities have a 24-inch waist, but getting such a small waist is not easy and is also unhealthy. The obsession with a small waist is not new and was common in the Victorian era. Women wore tight corsets back then, and a waist of 24 inches was considered extremely attractive. However, wearing tight corsets has many medical side effects, such as organ dislocation and breathing problems.
Many women try to achieve a 24-inch waist with the help of diet and exercise, but it is more complex than it looks. There can be many cons of doing it, and now we will look at that.
What Does A 24-Inch Waist Look Like?
A 24-inch waist is really small for an adult. If anyone has such a small waist, it can be easily noticed because, mostly in such cases, hips will appear much bigger. Such ladies mostly have an hourglass shape in which they have a wide chest, narrow waist, and wide hips. Remember that we all have different body shapes and proportions, and a 24-inch waist might look different on different people.
For women, a 24-inch waist size means they will buy clothes from an extra small or XXS range. Men with a waist of 24 inches are almost impossible, and if such a case occurs, they will buy clothes from boys or teenagers.
Is A 24-Inch Waist Healthy?
A 24-inch waist is usually not considered healthy, even for the models. Most models with a waist size of 24 inches are abnormally thin, and their fat percentage is between 10 to 15%; however, a normal fat percentage for a woman is around 22 to 26%.
Another thing that will help determine if you have an ideal waist size is the waist-to-height ratio or waist-to-stature ratio. If your waist-to-height ratio is too large, it will indicate that you have a larger waist than usual and are at risk of diseases like diabetes and heart conditions. On the other hand, if your waist-to-height ratio is too small, you are underweight. Like being overweight, being underweight is not a good thing, and it simply means that you have a lack of nutrition in your body.
How Easy Is It For You To Have A 24-Inch Waist?
Due to the fashion trends and slim girls flexing their 24-inch waist on insta many girls and even boys nowadays want to know how easy it is for them to achieve a 24-inch waist and how they can achieve it. The chances of you getting a 24-inch waist depend on your body shape and overall fitness. It is also greatly influenced by gender.
Females can achieve a 24-inch waist by working hard for a long time, while for men, it is impossible. To know why it is impossible for men, let’s look at the detailed reasons.
24-Inch Waist For Women
When looking at the average waist size for American women, according to CDC statistics, it is around 35.6 inches. The difference between the two waist sizes is around 11 inches, and If, as a woman, you have a waist of 24 inches, then you are in this 0.1% of the American population.
Now as an American woman, if you want a 24-inch waist, how can you achieve that? If you are not on the obese side of the scale and work regularly, you may have a waist of 28 inches to 30 inches. If you are at a 28-inch waist and are active, then with the help of exercises and different diet plans, you can achieve a 24-inch waist, but it will take much longer to do it healthily by balancing your nutrition.
24-Inch Waist For Men
According to American data on waist sizes, only one in a hundred women have a 24-inch waist; however, this percentage is zero for men. Now if you look at the average waist size for American men, it is around 40.5 inches, while for females, it is around 38 inches. It means that women naturally have a smaller waist and can easily reduce it.
If you look at the most healthy men in the US who are in the military, their waist is around 32 inches, and the smallest waist measurement is 25 inches for males, so it is impossible to gain a 24-inch waist as a male. As a male, if you try to achieve a 24-inch waist, then you will end up with several diseases and an immunocompromised system because to do so, you will have to eat very few nutrients, and your body can’t survive on that.
How To Know Your Healthy Waist Size?
Calculating your waist-to-height ratio is one way to know your healthy waist size. For calculating it, all you have to do is divide your waist size in inches by your height in inches. A normal waist-to-height ratio for a woman is between 0.42 to 0.48. It is on the higher side for males, around 0.43 to 0.52.
So according to a healthy weight-to-height ratio, if you want to have a 24-inch waist, your height must be 4 feet 9 inches. However, in America, the average female height is 5 feet 4 inches, and it is rare to see such a small height.
How can you get a 24-inch waist?
To get a 24 in waist, you must exercise hard and cut your calories. Another way to do so is to have plastic surgeries or laser treatments to remove belly fat. You must remember that reaching a 24-inch waist may be easier, but maintaining it for a lifetime is difficult because you must control your cravings forever. You can’t eat anything high in calories.
What is the ideal waist size?
The ideal waist size for females in America is less than 35 inches, and for males, it is less than 40 inches.
A 24-inch waist may look beautiful and appealing as a woman. You may see different models, influences, and celebrities on Instagram with a 24-inch waist and rocking everything they wear. But is it healthy for you? Probably not.
Instead of focusing on getting a 24-inch waist, what is better is that you prefer your ideal weight and achieve it.