What Is The Average Height For A 13-Year-Old?

Average Height For A 13-Year-OldThe most wonderful and exciting period of life is when you turn 13. It is time, and you will grow sexually and enter puberty. It is when most boys and girls become concerned about their height, weight, and general appearance. If you are also 13 13-year-old concerned about height, then why not look at the Average height for a 13-year-old?

We have provided a comprehensive guide for 14 years of average height. So stay tuned and keep reading.

The Average Height For A 13-Year-Old

For calculating the average height of a 13-year-old, researchers measure the height of 200 to 300 13-year-old boys and girls. They don’t measure all teenagers, but this information is accurate and applies in most situations.


US-based research on 13-year-old boys shows the average height is nearly 5 feet 4 inches. One of the most interesting facts about boys of this age is that they are nearly as tall as the average height of a fully grown adult woman.


At the age of 13, there is no significant difference between the height of girls and boys, and they have mostly the same height of 5 feet 4 inches. This is because of the fact at the age of 13, girls are almost at the end of their puberty phase. On the other hand, boys still have two to three years to increase their height, so in the end, guys end up being taller.

Curious about growth patterns? Check out our article on the average height for a 15-year-old to explore how adolescent heights progress over time.

What Is A Tall Height For A 13-Year-Old Boy?

At 13 years old, if you are 5 feet 7 inches, then you are considered tall. According to American statistics, boys 5 feet 7 inches are taller than 80% of their peers. If, as a 13-year-old, you are not tall enough and unsatisfied with your height, do not worry about it. Because still, you have 2 to 3 years to grow. Just try to ensure you get enough sleep and a good diet.

What Is A Tall Height For A 13-Year-Old Girl?

What Is A Tall Height For A 13-Year-Old Girl

If, as a 13-year-old female, your height is around 5 feet 4 inches, then you’re already taller than 85% of your peers. Girls mostly stop growing around 14, so your height at 13 is the height you will have, and only an inch or two will increase in it.

If you are shorter than an average 13-year-old, then don’t worry because it’s all genetics. Many girls compare themselves with others during their teenage years, but you are unique. There is no need to worry about your height or stature unless and until you have a deformity or medical condition requiring immediate attention.

How Tall Should A 13-Year-Old Be?

The height of a 13-year-old should be around 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 4 inches. It is the average height for 13-year-old American children. If your height is between 5 feet 7 inches and 5 feet 9 inches, then you are tall for a 13-year-old; if it is below 4 feet 8, then you are among the people with the shortest height at the age of 13.

Understanding growth patterns is essential. Learn more about the average height for a 16-year-old in our dedicated article.

How Puberty Affects The Height Of A Teenager?

How Puberty Affects The Height Of A Teenager

Many people think that 13 is when you enter puberty and will achieve your maximum height, but it’s not true; 13 to 14 is when girls exit puberty, while boys enter puberty.

Puberty has no relationship with teenage years. During puberty, you will get your growth spurts, resulting in increased height. So if you are short at the age of 13, then don’t worry because some are late bloomers while others are not. It all depends on your puberty and not on age.

Does Height Increase In The Late Teen Years?

According to the National Health Sciences, most boys start getting growth spurts at 14 and reach their maximum height at 16.

Some boys even continue to grow an inch during the late teenage years, so yes, we can say that boys can grow a little during the late teen years, but it’s not true for girls.

Do Boys In Their Teen Years Grow Faster Than Girls?

Boys and girls show different patterns during their teen years, varying from child to child. According to the Kids Health organization, girls and boys have different growth patterns during puberty. Girls usually start puberty between 8 and 13 and experience a major growth spurt between 10 and 14. On the other hand, boys experience growth spurts between the ages of 10 and 13 and continue to do so till 16 years of age.

Changes In Boys During Puberty

At 13, most boys start to show the physical changes associated with puberty. They will experience maximum growth spurts and also develop secondary sex characteristics. Some of the changes which a 13-year-old boy will go through are

  • The voice will become heavier, and sometimes, it may crack
  • The cartilage in the larynx, also known as Adam’s Apple, will get bigger
  • The penis and testicles will increase in size
  •  Pubic and facial hairs will start growing
  • Last but not least, the testicles will also start to produce sperm

Changes In Girls During Puberty

Just like boys, girls also experience many changes during their teen years. Some of the changes are

  • The breasts will increase, and the hips will also become fuller.
  • They will start their menstruation after experiencing maximum growth spurts. The average age at which girls get their periods is 12.5 years to 13 years.
  • Pubic and underarm hairs will begin to grow. It usually happens after 6 to 12 months of breast development.
  • The uterus will increase in size.
  • The vagina, labia, and clitoris also get bigger.
  • The breast continues to grow and become more fuller as girls start menstruating.


What can result in stunt height at the age of 13?

13 is the age when most girls reach their maximum height. The average height of a 13-year-old can be shorter if their parents are shorter. But if the parents are tall, the child may suffer from any medical condition, such as hypothyroidism.

How can you increase height at the age of 13?

13 to 14 is the age when most girls’ growth plates will fuse. So it means there will be no increase in height after this age. It means at 13, you hardly have one year to grow. If your height is below average at 13, you can increase it by taking a nutritious diet, exercising properly, and getting a good night’s sleep.

If you are curious about growth patterns, explore our article on the Average Height for a 17-year-old to understand how teenagers develop over the years.


13 is the age at which most boys and girls will start dating and become conscious about their height. If you are a 13-year-old or a parent of a 13-year-old and worried about your children’s height, compare your child’s height with the average height of a 13-year-old from this article.

If, according to their age, they are at normal height, there is no need to worry. Depending on genetics, they may be slightly taller or shorter than the average height, but it is also completely normal.

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