The Average Height For A 14-Year-Old – Dont Panic Teen

A parent’s most important duty is to monitor your child’s development closely. Monitoring a child’s growth becomes more important during puberty because the growth will stop after that. The age of puberty for girls and boys varies greatly, but puberty starts at 10 and ends at 16.

Most of the time, puberty will end at 14, and the child’s growth will stop at this age. If your child is 14 and you want to know the average height for a 14-year-old, then the answer will be in this article.

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Average Height For A 14-Year-Old

The Average Height For A 14-Year-Old

When we talk about the average height, It means that it is the mean of a large number of heights of 14 years old, so your child may be a little taller or shorter than that, but it’s completely okay; however, if there is a major difference in the average height and your child height, then it is a concern.

The Average Height For A 14-Year-Old Boy And Girl

According to the American data, in which the height of almost 200 14-year-old boys was measured, the average height was calculated to be around 5 ft and 7 in for an American boy. These measurements were taken with the help of a stadiometer, which is considered more accurate than normal tape.

There is a misconception that boys grow only till the age of 13 to 14, and their height will stop after that. However, it is not true; the boys will continue growing until 16 to 17.

14-Year-Old Girl

Girls enter their puberty period at the age of 11, and it mostly ends at 14. After that, no significant change in height is observed, and they grow 1 or 2 inches taller in a year after that. The average height for a 14-year-old girl is almost 5 feet 4 inches which is 3 inches less than boys.

It is because girls usually grow slower than boys in adolescence, and most girls also have a smaller height than boys because of different genetic and body structures.

14-Year-Old Boy

If, as a 14-year-old boy, your child’s height is 5ft 9in, then it is tall because he is already taller than 75% of his peers. On the other hand, if he is more than 5 feet 11 inches, then he is among the top 10% of the boys with the highest height.

What Height Is Considered Small For A 14-Year-Old Boy And Girl?


If your child’s height is between 5ft 1 in to 5ft 3in, this height is considered small because only 10 to 20% of 14-year-olds have such height.

There are two possibilities for such a small height; one is that your child’s height is small just because of genetics second is that your child may be a late bloomer and will restore its height in his 16s.


Girls are usually shorter in height than boys, so their average taller height is also much shorter than boys. A girl with a height of 5 feet 7 inches tall will be taller than 75% of her age fellows.

The Average Height For A 15-Year-Old Girl

If, as a girl, you are 14 years old, and your height is between 4ft 11 inches to 5 feet, then this height is considered really short for a 14-year-old. If your height is below 5 feet, then you are a part of 10 to 30% of American females who are short in height.

What Will Be The Puberty Effect On Height At 14 Years Of Age?

According to medical sciences, puberty is when children experience maximum growth spurts. The growth rate, however, varies greatly because different teenagers hit puberty at different ages. Some are early bloomers, while others are late bloomers. Boys who start puberty at 11 are considered early bloomers, while those who start at 14 are late bloomers.

Compared to boys, 90% of girls start puberty at 10, and it mostly ends at 14. Girls start puberty earlier. That’s why sometimes they are much taller than boys of the same age. However, boys start puberty late and continue to grow even after 16. That’s why in the end, in most cases, they are the ones who are taller than girls.

Will My Height Stop Growing After Puberty?

Yes, in most cases, your height will stop growing once you hit puberty. Even if you grow taller after puberty, it will be hardly one to two inches. After puberty, the growth plate at the ends of bones diffuses, and there is no more increase in bone length, so there is no more increase in height.

After that, you can’t grow taller, but you can appear taller by practicing yoga and posture exercises, which will stretch your body.

What To Do To Achieve Maximum Height During The Puberty Phase?

If you want to achieve maximum height during puberty, you must ensure you are taking enough nutrients. In puberty, your body goes through many changes, and rapid development of bones and other organs occurs.

Eating an unhealthy diet or starving yourself during this age results in stunted growth. Being underweight or overweight not only results in health problems but will also reduce your growth spurts resulting in a height shorter than average.


Is 5’2 considered short for a 14-year-old boy?

Yes, it is considered short stature if the height remains 5 ‘2 and doesn’t grow. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the height of a male is below 5 feet 3 inches, and for females, if it is below 4 feet 11 inches, then it is short stature.

Does sleep help in increasing height?

Yes, a good night’s sleep plays a vital role in proper body development; however, not sleeping for a single night can’t stunt your growth. If you do not sleep properly continuously during puberty, it will reduce growth hormones and may affect your height to some extent.

How to grow taller at the age of 14?

You can’t control your genetics; however, sleeping well, eating a proper diet, and maintaining good physical activity will help you grow taller.


The average height for a 14-year-old is between 5 feet 3 inches to 5 feet 7 inches. This number varies greatly from individual to individual, depending on the puberty phase and genetics.

You can’t control your height completely, but you can boost it by taking proper care of your diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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