The Average Height For A 16-Year-Old – Check Sweetness

Are you a 16-year-old who is conscious about height and wants to know the average height for a 16-year-old? If that is the case, you are at the right place, as here we will discuss the average height for a 16-year-old boy and girl.

12 to 16 years of age is the time when girls and boys experience most of their growth spurt. It is when you will get the maximum increase in your height.

If you are a parent of a 16-year-old or a 16-year-old worried about your height, then let’s go and take a look to see if your height is like the normal teenager’s or not.

Read More About Average Height And Weight Of 17-Years-Old

The Average Height For A 16-Year-Old Girl

The average height for a 16-year-old female is about 5 feet 2 inches. It is just average, and the height can vary greatly depending on different factors such as genetics, physical activity, and nutrition. 16 to 18 is the age when most girls start dating, and at this age, their height can greatly affect their dating life.

Girls who are a little bit taller can feel more confident and get boys with tall height, while on the other hand, girls who have a shorter height than average may feel self-conscious and find it hard to make friends or have a boyfriend.

Another thing that you must keep in mind as a 16-year-old or the parent of 16 year old is that girls start puberty earlier, so they are mostly taller and heavier than boys of the same age; however, the property mostly ends at the age of 14; and there is no significant increase in height after that.

The Average Height For A 16-Year-Old Boy

The Average Height For A 16-Year-Old Boy

The average height for a 16-year-old boy is around 5 feet 8 inches, according to the US government data collected by measuring the height of 150 16-year-old boys.

The data is considered error-free because the gold standard instrument stadiometer is used for measurement. If we look at the puberty phase duration for boys, we will know that after 16 years, boys don’t grow taller. However, if they are late bloomers, then their height may increase significantly even after that.

One of the main things which can increase boys’ height is the level of physical activity and nutrition because, according to a study conducted in Italy, athletes are a little taller than the average height of 5 feet 9 inches. However, it has yet to be confirmed by scientific research, and it can be denied because height also varies from region to region.

Which Height Is Considered Tall For A 16-Year-Old Girl?

If we look at different height groups at the age of 16 in females, we will know that a height of 5 feet 6 inches is considered tall and will put you in the top 25%. So if you are 5 feet 6 inches tall, you are taller than 75% of your colleagues.

If your height is between 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 9 inches, you are among the top 5%, and the rest are 95% of girls are shorter than you. At the age of 16, if you have a height of 6 feet and are a female, then trust me, you’re even taller than boys because it is rare to observe such tall heights in females.

Which Height Is Considered Tall For A 16-Year-Old Boy?

For a 16-year-old boy, a height of 5 feet 11 inches is considered tall because it puts them in the top 25 percent among the same age group. The average height for a 16-year-old boy is 5 feet 8 inches, so a height of 5 feet 11 inches means that you are 3 inches taller than your peers. The three inches may appear smaller, but it is a noticeable difference when considered in person.

Also, 5 foot 11 inches is mostly the height of fully grown men, and if you have achieved that height at the age of 16, there is a strong chance that you will remain taller than your fellows the whole life.

Puberty Relationship With Height

As mentioned previously, the height of teenagers is greatly affected by puberty. During puberty, girls and boys get growth spurts, and their height increases significantly. Factors such as nutrition and activity level will also increase height during puberty.

Another thing that greatly affects your height is when you hit puberty. You do not enter puberty at the same age as your friends or siblings. Girls usually enter puberty at the age of 8 to 10; however, boys hit puberty during 11 to 14 years of age.

During puberty period girls’ height increases by 1 to 2 inches per year, while boy’s height can increase by up to 3 inches

If you are 16 years old and your height is not increasing significantly, then there are chances that you are a late bloomer and your height will increase later. There is also a chance that your height will not increase, and it’s just in your genes. However, if your parents are tall and you doubt that you are suffering from any illness, immediately visit your doctor.


Can I grow taller after 16?

Yes, you can grow taller after 18, but it depends on your growth plate. Growth plates fuse at 17 to 18; after that, no increase in height is observed. Your height can increase if your growth plates still need to be fused. Otherwise, you can only increase it by practicing good posture and stretching.

What factors can increase height?

Your height depends on your genetics, but you can promote a little increase by getting a good night’s sleep, eating a good meal, and exercising during puberty.


Sixteen is when most teenagers may become conscious about their physical appearance and height. If you are 16 and think your height is short, then you must go through this article and look at the average height for a 16-year-old boy and girl.

Also, remember that it is just an average height, and you don’t need to have the exact height like this. You may be taller or shorter than that; however, if you are significantly tall and shorter than this height, then you must visit your doctor.

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