What Is The Average Height For A 17 Year -Old? – Consider Yours

Seventeen years is when almost all teenagers reach their maximum height, and after that, there is little to no increase in height. Now, as a parent of a 17-year-old or maybe as a 17-year-old, you may have questions about the average height for a 17-year-old, or can you grow at 17?

If you also have these questions as a 17-year-old, why not look at statistics on average height for 17-year-olds in the USA?

If you’re curious about growth trends, check out our article on the Average Height For A 16-year-old to gain insights into the continued development of teenagers.

What Is The Average Height For A 17-Year-Old?

When a child enters puberty, there are not only secondary sex characteristics development but also maximum growth spurts experienced in this age. Mostly, puberty ends at 14 for girls, and for boys, it’s 16. After that, no significant change in height is observed. So your height at 16 is almost the same as your height at 17 unless you mature late.

What Is The Average Height For A 17-Year-Old Boy?

According to different studies and clinical trials, the average height of a 17-year-old boy in America is 5 ft 8.8 in. It’s just an average calculated by using the principle of statistics. The height can greatly vary between 5ft to 6 feet 3 in.

What Is The Average Height For A 17-Year-Old Girl?

As we all know, girls are usually shorter than boys, and the same is true with the average height for 17-year-old girls in America. The average height of a 17-year-old girl is around 5 ft 4.5 in. Most girls enter puberty at 11 and end at 14, so after 14, there is little to no change in the height of girls.

What Is The Average Height For A 17 Year -Old Girl

How Tall Should A 17-Year-Old Boy Be?

In this world of social media and fake standards, we all know that most of the time, girls prefer guys who are taller than those who don’t have tall height. Tallboys also get an edge in games like basketball.

This may affect many 17-year-old boys, who may want to know if their height is okay or shorter. The height, considered good for a 17-year-old guy, is between 5 ft 9 and 5 ft 10. However, even if you are shorter than that, it doesn’t mean you are not healthy or perfect. It’s just a standard of society.

If you’re curious about growth patterns, check out our article on the Average Height for a 15-year-old to see how teenagers continue to develop.

Can Your Height Increase After 17?

The answer to this question can be a yes or no as well. It all depends on your body type. The hyaline cartilage is located at the end of the bones. It is also known as a growth plate. This is the location from where the bones grow; however, once your growth phase is finished, the epiphyseal lining will replace the growth plates, and the plates will fuse.

So once the linings replace your growth plates, you can’t grow naturally, and it is not easy to gain even an inch after that. However, if your puberty phase naturally started late, you can still get taller, even at 17.

Also, look at “Average Weight For 13-Year-Olds – Height To Weight Chart.”

How Does Puberty Affect Height?

The growth rate varies greatly because different people enter puberty at different ages. Some get into puberty early, while others may get it late. The puberty phase usually doesn’t affect your height, but it only affects the age you will grow taller. For example, If you enter your puberty phase at the age of 12, then you will reach maximum height at the age of 14 or 15.

However, if you enter puberty at the age of 14, then you may continue to grow even after 18.

How Does Puberty Affect Height

Does Your Parent’s Height Affect Your Height?

Yes, genetics or your parent’s height is considered one of the major factors influencing any individual’s height. Genes from parents play a major role in determining the children’s height. The mid-parental way is one of the best methods to calculate how tall a child can be. In this, you will add your mother’s and father’s height and divide it by two. The number you will get is the average height of the children. However, it is only sometimes true, and the results may vary greatly.

How To Increase Height At 17?

We already know that our height is determined by genetics, but some things can contribute a little to increasing our growth potential.


You must perform physical activities like yoga, stretching, and frequent workouts to maintain height. It is proven by medical research that physical activity promotes the secretion of growth hormones, increasing height.

Good Diet

In addition to physical activity, you must maintain the appropriate level of nutrients. If your nutrient level is appropriate, your body will function at best, resulting in maximum growth.

Visiting Doctor

It is not necessary that you only have to visit the doctor when you are ill. It would be best to visit your doctor for regular checkups so they can diagnose any disease on time. Early diagnosis will help in maintaining a healthy body that can function at its optimal level.


Many people ignore the importance of sleep, but according to medical sciences, growth hormones are released between 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.

You can only get this hormone when you are sleeping properly. For this purpose, make sure that you keep the electronics away from you before bedtime and maintain a natural sleep cycle according to your biological clock.

As your child enters adolescence, you might be curious about their growth. Check out our article on the average height for a 14-year-old to track their development.


What is the average height for a 17-year-old male in cm?

The average height for a 17-year-old male in cm is almost 175 cm to 180 cm.

What is the average height for a 17-year-old female in cm?

The average height for a female in centimeters is between 161 to 164 cm.

What is the average weight of a 17-year-old?

A person’s weight varies greatly and depends on their body mass index; however, the weight of a 17-year-old girl must range between 65 and 67 kg. And for males, it must be between 69 and 72 kg.


If you have stunt growth at the early stages of life, when you are between 12 and 14, you can easily increase your height by taking supplements and visiting a doctor. However, when you turn 17, it becomes really hard to increase your height.

Many people think they are short for a 17-year-old, and they may want to know the average height for a 17-year-old. If that’s all you want, this article is the perfect guide.

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