What Is The Average Waist Size For Male And Females?

Average Waist SizeWe all are completely different from each other and share different physical features. While looking at the waist size of different people, we know that the waist size varies greatly, and everyone has a different average waist size.

There are different body shapes, including the pear-shaped inverted triangle, and all have different waist sizes.

It is not necessary that a thin waist indicates good health and a pretty body. Waist size varies greatly; however, there is an average waist size depending on your gender and other factors, which will help you determine if you are fit or not.

different body shapes

Rough Estimate in USA

Here is a rough estimate of average waist sizes for women in the United States:

Age Group: Average Waist Size (inches):

  • Teenagers (12-19 years): 26-27 inches
  • Adults (20-39 years): 28-29 inches
  • Adults (40-59 years): 30-31 inches
  • Older Adults (60+ years): 31-32 inches

Average Waist Size Demographically

A healthy and beautiful body comes in all shapes and sizes. One waist size can’t fit all the bodies, which varies greatly. However, average waist size can give you valuable insight into your health and if you are at risk of any potential health issue, including diabetes or blood pressure.

 Average Waist Size For Women?

 Average Waist Size For Women

According to a study by the National Centre for Health and Statistics, the average size for an American woman is around 38.7 inches. Waist size varies greatly, and the influencing factors are age, weight, and height.

Females with age 20-29 have a waist size of mostly 37 inches, while on the other hand, women within the age limit of 30 to 39 have a waist size of 38 inches. The waist size continues to increase and reaches its maximum when a woman reaches 80. Age is one of the major factors we can’t control. It greatly affects our waists

Average Waist Size For A Teenage Girl

Average Waist Size For A Teenage Girl

As we already know, waist size in women is greatly influenced by age, so it is obvious that if teenagers have a healthy BMI, their waist size will be much smaller than the average adult woman’s waist size.

Teenage girls in America usually have a waist size of around 32.6 inches, but it touches 33.3 inches when she turns 18.

Average Waist Size For Men

Average Waist Size For Men

According to the data from the survey, which was conducted on 4880 men in 2016 and 2018 average waist size for an American man is around 40.2 inches.

A man’s age greatly affects the average male waist circumference. The average waist circumference for a man between the age of 20 and 29 is around 37 inches, while it is increased by around 3 inches when the man reaches between 30 and 39. Also, when the men cross 50 years of age, their waist circumference may get around 42 inches.

What Is The Average Waist Size For A Teenage Boy?

What Is The Average Waist Size For A Teenage Boy

The average waist size for a 13 to 14-year teenage boy is around 31.5 inches, and it increases as the boy enters adulthood. One thing to notice in teenage years is greatly fluctuating waist size.

A 15-year-old boy may have a waist size of around 33.5 inches, while the number will fall to 32 inches when he turns 16. There is a decrease in waist size when the boy turns 16 and an increase in the size when the boy is 17.

The average size will continue to fluctuate greatly during the teenage years; however, once a boy turns 20, the waist size will continue to increase, and there is very less chance that it will decrease.

Does Waist Size Differ According To The Country?

The average waist size varies greatly from region to region depending on different factors, including diet, genetics, and activity level.

According to different studies, the average waist size of Asian women is comparatively smaller than that of the US and Europe; however, no comparative studies prove that Asians have a small waist.

Why Knowing Average Waist Sizes Is Important?

Knowing the average waist size is aesthetically concerning and has many medical benefits. Many women nowadays measure their waist to know whether they fit society’s standards. However, the average waist size is much more than that.

Once you know your waist size, you should note a few things, such as your age and height, because the average waist size greatly depends on these two factors.

Average waist size is also greatly influenced by the culture you belong to because it varies greatly depending on different cultures, regions, and nationalities.

The average size should provide important information about your overall health and whether you are at risk of any medical condition.

What Is The Waist Measurement Of A Healthy Individual?

The average size is just a figure concluded by measuring the waist size of different individuals, and it can vary greatly depending on your height-to-waist ratio.

So now you know that average waist size is not a fixed figure and can vary greatly.

The only way to find out whether you have an ideal waist or not is to calculate your waist size. You can do it by

  • Measuring your waist in inches
  • After that, measure your height in inches
  • Now divide your waist size by your height
  • Multiply by 100, and you will get the average waist-to-height ratio.

Now compare your measurements with the table below to know whether you have a good height-to-waist ratio.

Waist-to-height percentage  Risk status
Less than 42% Underweight
43% to 48% Healthy weight
49% to 57% Overweight
58% or higher Obese



How to measure waist size?

Many people calculate the waist-to-height ratio but they do it wrong because they don’t place the measuring tape at the right spot on the waist. Place the tape below the ribs and the hip bone for correct measurement. After that, exhale and measure your waist. Also, make sure that the tape is not too tight so that it cuts in your skin, neither to lose that it just hangs.

How to reduce waist size?

If you are obese and don’t have a healthy waist size, you can reduce it by eating a balanced diet, maintaining a good schedule, and working out regularly.

Is a 24 inch waist normal?

Yes this waist is considered really small for a woman. A 24 inch waist is really hard to achieve and most models or actors have it. It is the last normal waist size and below this you will be considered underweight.


Knowing the average waist size helps you determine your fitness level and provides you with important information about your medical status. Average waist size varies greatly depending on age, gender, genetics, diet, region, and other factors.

If you are curious whether your average waist size is normal, measure your waist-to-height percentage and calculate your waist-to-height percentage to know if you are in a healthy range.

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